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January 22, 2025
Homage to Fragonard, or, Fun & Learning with your Favorite Museum Snapshots from Gefilte Quilt

Need a fast holiday gift? How about turning your favorite museum art photos into mini-quilts?





Do you take a ton of photos at art museums? I sure do, because I see so many art lessons, about color, composition, creativity, and courage.

These photos are fun to revisit from time to time, but not much happens with them. 

Until a couple of  weeks ago, when the Notre Dame Cathedral was reopened, five years after the horrific fire. 

Days before that fire, we were visiting Paris, including Notre Dame. (I blogged about it here.)  

We also went to ...

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April 8, 2024
Four Windmills, 55 Years from Gefilte Quilt

Ever since moving to Southern California 30 years ago, I have marveled at the region's windmills, especially the miles of them between my Los Angeles home, and the "Road to California" quilt show in Ontario, CA, that I visit annually. They look like this:

Sometimes they spin in unison, sometimes out of sync, but they always make me happy, a majestic miracle of alternative energy. 
In February, when I was playing with a raw-edge fabric-covered-with-tulle technique to make Valentines, I thought of those windmills and decided to make some. I pulled all the pieces from my batik scrap bag ...

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November 8, 2023
Cabin In The Woods Quilt Top from Podunk Pretties

If I were to tell you I was making a red and green quilt would you automatically think "She's making a Christmas quilt?  Second question...Do you think this looks like a Christmas quilt?  

I'm hoping the answer is NO.  My original plan for this quilt was a Christmas theme.  I spent many hours trying to come up with an applique plan.  Christmas Trees, Snowmen, Snowflakes, Gnomes and Santa's Sleigh with reindeer were all ideas that just didn't feel/look right.  Why does it need to be a Christmas themed quilt?  Shifting the way I think ...

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April 15, 2023
Scrap Buster Baskets ~ UFO Quilt #7 2023 Finished! from Podunk Pretties

 Hello Quilty Friends!  I'm so excited to have another UFO finish!   Scrap Buster Baskets is fairly small, measures about 58 x 64.  I designed and made it back in 2021.

As with all my finished quilt tops she became a UFO because I couldn't come up with a quilting plan and I prefer to design and make quilt tops.

When I pulled her out over a month ago I had a pretty good idea of how I would quilt the blocks.  The sashing and border were the problem.  As a general rule of thumb when doing custom quilting ...

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March 29, 2023
Wordless Wednesday ~ Scrap Buster Baskets Progress from Podunk Pretties


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November 24, 2021
Caught red-handed! from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


The week is progressing quite nicely. I had two presentations yesterday, and both were almost ready, so they took no time to finish up. Just that switch-a-roo with the sewing machines and the language of the software. 

But all was good. I'm in CONTROL!! 

I prepped as much as I could for the three reveal presentations this weekend. I did a wee bit of writing and paperwork, although more needs to be done this morning. And I NEED to get to the long arm. 

I'm also a slacker, and well, I couldn't help myself. I could watch ...

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November 3, 2021
Lange bereidingstijd! Met een dierbaar resultaat! from M. Brito de Campos


Sommige quilts hebben een lange aanloop en doorlopen verschillende stadia.
Verschillende stadia van ideeën, verschillende stadia van plannen, verschillende stadia van wanhoop, verschillende stadia van voltooiing, 
maar uiteindelijk ligt er een quilt.
Van deze quilt heb ik ontzettend veel geleerd.
Er zijn kleurenfamilies en de ene familie past niet zomaar bij de andere.
Met andere woorden: een leuke print in een vergrijsde goudkleur past niet bij de heldere primaire kleuren van mijn voorkeurspalet.
Blokken maken voor een quilt, zonder een plan werkt echt niet!
Applicaties maken is wel heel erg leuk. Tenminste als je heel veel verschillende technieken hebt uitgeprobeerd ...

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June 24, 2021
Revisiting stickiness and stashes from Crazy Quilter on a Bike!


Oh my -- I just had a peek at my phone bill online. There's so much to see and do! I'm going to go back and have a better look later. It's always a good idea to check that bill regularly as the rate plans change. And while I'm more than 100% satisfied with my Samsung Galaxy S10, I will be able to look at a new phone at the end of August. Will I upgrade? Not sure - I'm going to check it out. 

A note that we are no longer buying (or renting) cell phones ...

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March 20, 2021
Pandemic Porch Quilt Show, Days 54 - 55: Hands for Grandma, Grandma's Hands from Gefilte Quilt

On Day 55, I hung two baby-related quilts that date back to the 1990s - and the one on the right was inspired by a quilt 140 years older than that! 
First, a nap quilt I made for my son, when I'd done very little applique, and wanted to dip my toe in the water. The flowers are raw-edge appliqued, with zigzag stitches to contain the fraying. The leaves were straight-stitch machine-appliqued, so their edges are nicely frayed.
Amazingly, the flowers and even their hand-embroidered centers have held up well over the years.  

The second quilt was made from my ...

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March 3, 2021
Charming Denim Quilt - tutorial from DaySpringQuilter

Have you ever made a denim quilt from castoff jeans from family members or thrift stores?  My hubby donated his jeans when he was done with them.  I inherited about 6 pair and promptly cut them down to bigger fabric pieces until I could decide what to do with them. Then about a year ago, I decided to do something with them.

I salvage everything usable and store the pockets in a bin for who knows what.  The rest is thrown away. 

I searched Pinterest for an idea. There were a lot of ideas and a lot of them don ...

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February 10, 2021
Texas Edition: Yellow Rose from Quiltnotes All Blogs

This block is part of the Texas Edition Block of the Month program.

Fabric and Special Instructions for Yellow Rose

For those of you in the Texas Edition BOM program, this video shows the fabric and special instructions for the Yellow Rose block.

Weblon® is a material sometimes used in raw edge applique. This video tells when you might use it and how to prepare your fabric with it. For the Yellow Rose block, white fabric is substituted for the Weblon®.

Raw Edge Applique Process

The process of completing a raw edge applique project are illustrated below using the Ol ...

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January 20, 2021
Machine Applique from Quiltnotes All Blogs

Applique means "to apply" and applique in quilting means to apply one or more fabrics on top of the other. Apply the applique by machine or by hand. This article looks at two machine applique techniques: raw edge applique and turn under applique. The two most popular machine applique stitches are the zig zag stitch (also known as the satin stitch) and the buttonhole stitch (also known as the blanket stitch).

Close-up of button hole stitch in machine applique. This is a decorative stitch that you want to see. Instead of matching the thread color to the background applique, the ...

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June 17, 2020
~ Home Again Progress and Tips ~ from Podunk Pretties

Hi Quilty Friends!  Today I'm taking a little break from quilting the Hunkering Down quilt to play a little game of catch up on the Home Again quilt by Erin Russek.

I'm 3 blocks behind but due to my lack of attention to detail I will need to redo/fix two of the blocks on the wall.  Color placement is an important part of any quilt.   It helps to visually balance or distract depending on the effect you're after.  Block design can also be a balancing effect.  Notice the symmetry in the blocks of this quilt.  Block ...

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February 8, 2020
~ Home Again and Playing ~ from Podunk Pretties

Howdy Sweet Quilting Friends!  Today I'm doing what I do best, making a HUGE fun mess.  Pulling fabric is the best part of quilting, don't you think?  I'm digging deep into the stash to find my most loved pieces of out of print Lakehouse Drygoods fabrics.  Some of these I forgot I owned.  My original plan for this quilt was to work only from the scrap bins.  But there just isn't enough variety of prints and scale of prints.  I'll use what I can from the scrap bins then supplement with the larger pieces.  In ...

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January 11, 2020
Regenerate Quilt Block {FREE Pattern} from Samelia's Mum


Regenerate Quilt Block in Green

As you're probably aware, Australia is suffering with a bushfire crisis. This type of natural disaster isn't uncommon, though the scale and ferocity in which the fires are burning is mind-blowing.

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December 6, 2019
~ Christmas Joy by Just Let Me Quilt ~ from Podunk Pretties

HELLO Happy Quilters!  Friday at last!  How many of you are like me and planning a private quilting retreat in your sewing room?  I bet I'm not the only one with few Christmas sewing projects on the to-do list.  For me these are the best retreats.  I prepared for this 3 day quilting retreat by cooking ahead for Mr. Podunk.  If he doesn't want to eat Taco Soup leftovers all weekend there's frozen pizza and cold cuts in the fridge.   The only thing that could interrupt my pajama quilting retreat is unexpected company.  But to be honest ...

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  • raw edge applique
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